Design/Build summer studio at UC Berkeley. Installation of contoured back seating on roof deck.
Student designed projects permanently installed in firm's housing project.
Trellis installed in 5th floor outdoor porch
Trellis pieces being fabricated for assembly in shop
Final review in UC Berkeley courtyard before the permanent installation in the housing building
Donation of materials and engaged clients were critical to the approval of projects for permanent installation
Pop-up storefront exhibit and final review of IBD studio on Broadway during Oakland's Art Murmur
Field trip and work session with Benthic Lab partners with students at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Research analysis of contoured prototypes for underwater and above water habitat
Design strategy based on the parameters of the marine research with Benthic Lab biologists, naval architect and fabrication specialists. 2016 AIA COTE Top Ten Student Award winner
4 hour studio work session about design strategies with Arup engineers
Drawing and analyzing issues of stacking modules with Arup structural engineer
Integrated systems section developed from work sessions
Autodesk at Pier 9 extended collaboration of digitally fabricated housing modules
Final review site model, laser cuts and 3-d prints donated by Pier 9
Buoyant Ecologies Maldives final review table of physical models
Floating water farm site model
Floating water farm community
In studio with fabricator Bill Kreysler to critique the design approach, forms and assembly of floating modules
Buoyant Ecologies Maldives final review presentation
IBD studio visit to SFPUC water filtration mechanical room
IBD studio presentation including full scale prototype of facade as a filter for water and light
Pier 9 water jet cutting of metal facade prototypes for studio reseach
Three phase Iterative development of full scale facade panels
Full scale facade model for final review, steel paid for by Autodesk at Pier 9
Google hangouts with Benthic Lab biologist, usually 3 to 6 times during a semester
Shop visit and work session with Kreysler and Associates
Material investigation of a floating module
Visualization of final design of floating workshop
Community engagement with Oakland agencies at Jack London Improvement District headquarters
AIA COTE Top Ten Student Award winner 2015
Vaama and Shirin workbook-31.jpg
AIA COTE Top Ten Student Award winner 2015
Jared and Rafael Workbook-44.jpg
UC Berkeley undergraduate thesis studio
Thesis work. UC Berkeley
In process map for thesis final review. UC Berkeley
Buoyant Ecologies Maldives 2017 Jury Prize winner
Integrative Systems Axonometric drawing
Comprehensive Building Design Jury Prize winner
Facade filtration detail designed in collaboration with Arup engineers
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